Sitting here with a glass of wine-hoping that the wine buzz will drown out the screaming. No such luck. Apparently asking to eat dinner in order to get an after dinner snack is an outrageous request. Four-year- old does not concur with that decision.
Sooooo-my husband is deployed. Again. That means that I am on full time duty and add that to the fact that we have a new puppy and my life is like an episode of Jerry Springer. Yesterday our new goldendoodle Rosie ate a chocolate bar. Which is supposedly deadly to puppies. Nice. So I had to pour hydrogen peroxide down her throat to make her puke and then I got to clean up vomit and a month's worth of doggie doo outside. And my two-year-old stepped in a pile of it. So it was an interesting evening, to say the least.
Today I got to talk to two very dear friends of mine on the telephone. I am so thankful to have friends that know what this military life with children is like and don't try to sugar-coat things. Nothing makes me madder than people who act like their life is perfect. It's not, people. Life is a messy, complicated thing, full of ups and downs. Some days I feel like I am a stellar mom, other days I am failing hard core. I think we as women would be a lot less hard on ourselves if we could only learn to speak the truth about what we are really feeling inside. We wouldn't feel so alone and isolated. Satan's number one tool is isolation and a break down in communication. If he can make us feel alienated and different than everyone else, he can make us rely only on ourselves, which is a horrible mistake. I am so thankful for friends that laugh with me in good times and hold me up in bad times. I hope that every day I make a careful decision to be that kind of friend, too.
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