Thursday, March 10, 2011

  I am sitting at the kitchen table working on my blog, and I am looking around me and counting my blessings.  On my right is Wyatt, who is working on his homework while simultaneously biting his toenails.  Mitchell is in front of me, making fun of Wyatt biting his toenails.  A fight ensues.  AHHHH-this is the life.
  Today has been a rough day.  Lincoln has just gotten rid of the flu bug, and Mitchell seemed to have gotten it.  He was puking all night last night and ended up staying home from school today.  While talking to a dear friend on the phone this morning, Wyatt accidently locked Lincoln in the downstairs bathroom.  Which was funny for about thirty seconds until the realization that we don't have a key to the door and my attempts to "teach" Lincoln how to unlock the door from inside were futile.  Which isn't hard to believe, given he is only 22 months old.  Ten minutes and some hysterical crying later, the door was unlocked with a screwdriver and a credit card.  I felt like MacGyver.  It really is the small victories in life.
  At the gym today, the childcare workers informed me that Lincoln was able to bust out of the locked fire escape door.  The lady in charge told me that in all her time working there, no child had figured out the lock before.  She said that they needed a two-to-one ratio for him because he is always trying to escape out of there.  It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside that MY kid is that smart.  I actually felt validated because I have such a hard time with him at home-he is into EVERYTHING.  So I am glad the act isn't all just for me.
  There were also many messes made today-spilled coffee, a bag of dried cherries strewn across the floor on three separate occasions (believe me, after being on our floor they are now inedible), and the remnants of pukefest.  Did I mention it was raining a cold, icy hail today?
  But I have to be thankful for the blessings that show themselves during trials.  A very dear friend brought over dinner so that I wouldn't have to worry about it.  My living room and downstairs bathroom were cleaned and sanitized (albeit by me) the best that they have been cleaned since living here.  And little D's giggle as he put the step stool on his head was not to be missed.  The best of all?  That my husband will be home tomorrow to take over the madness for me.  Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking maybe Lincoln gets his "escape tactics" from his screwdriver/credit card carrying mom? All in a days work (if by "day" you really mean enough events to fill a week) Get some rest...tomorrow is a new "day"!
