This past week I have thought about a lot of things that happen that I wish someone would have informed me of before having children that might have made me think twice before having four. Oh who am I kidding? We didn't plan any of our kids and I never read a book about parenting, but I think that the information needs to be put out there for all mommies-to-be. Mind you it isn't traditional information like sleep when the baby sleeps or anything like that. And a lot of it has to do with the bathroom since that's where we spend a majority of our time. Deal with it. If it offends you, don't read it.
These are just a few off the top of my head. Please log in and leave your comments to add your own! I love a good laugh!
1.) Never EVER change a baby's diaper without wipes nearby thinking that they have only peed. It will not work out well for you.
2.) Why is the toilet paper roll out whenever I sit down and take the two seconds to go to the bathroom?!
3.) Why do the kids have to all go # 2 right before we have to go out the door and be somewhere?
4.) Why does someone need me the second I get into the shower? And continue to ask me things through the door when I repeatedly yell that I can't hear them?
5.) What exactly is the radar that I emit whenever I come into or leave the house that causes all the children to scream, cry, and need me simultaneously? Or better yet, how do I lose it?!!
6.) Why whenever I sit/ and or kneel down to do anything, that I instantly become a human jungle gym?
7.) Why can't I get skinny by just chasing my toddler away from the toilet and dining room table? It is an every five minute thing...
8.) Why hasn't someone invented an automatic car seat cleaner so you don't have to take the darn thing apart every time your kid pukes, poops, or leaves crayons in the hot car (hypothetically speaking, of course)?
9.) How do your breasts return to a normal size when your over 6 month old baby stretches them out about 6 inches while nursing and trying to watch his brothers wrestle at the same time? Wait, scratch that question-they DON'T.
10.) How do little people that can drive you so crazy make you also the happiest?!!
Number 9 is my favorite!!!